In The Media
Horses, Healing, and Holistic Mental Health
Personal Growth & Wellness Programs with First Nature Ranch
**Coming Soon**
Check out where we’ve been featured in the media!
Excited and honored to be featured as an Everyday Hero by Spectrum News 13! In this Everyday Hero segment, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at my journey at First Nature Ranch, a non-profit Leadership Development Center in Central Florida that incorporates nature and horses to cultivate essential leadership skills.
As featured on Spectrum News 13’s Everyday Hero, my work at First Nature Ranch combines my passion for holistic mental health with the healing power of horses. At this 26-acre sanctuary in Central Florida, I help facilitate equine-assisted development programs that nurture mind, body, and spirit through meaningful connections with nature and horses.
The transformative impact I witness in our Veterans and other participants mirrors my own journey – finding peace, purpose, and emotional wellness through these magnificent animals. This valuable experience enhances the nature-inspired support I provide at Holistic Mental Health Counseling. Click below to learn more about my commitment to holistic mental health care and the powerful impact of First Nature Ranch on our community.